Welcome to HotChocolate's Radio Show & Podcast!

For the past 14 years, I have owned and produced my own radio show heard daily in West Tennessee on 97.7fm, right before the Steve Harvey Radio Show. My show is about purpose, destiny and life insurance education. I’m standing in faith that it will soon be syndicated and heard everywhere. In 2024 I started my own podcast entitled “HotChocolate All Over The World”. Check it out on all major podcast platforms.

Jammin' Jackson 97.7FM Schedule:

Monday: 5:30 AM CST

Tuesday: 5:30 AM CST

Wednesday: 5:30 AM CST

Thursday: 5:30 AM CST

Friday: 5:30 AM CST

Saturday: 5:30 AM CST

Sundays: 8:30 AM CST

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My Podcast: “HotChocolate All Over The World”

My podcast airs every Monday 8am CST on Pandora, Spotify and all major streaming platforms. The replays are also available to be heard at any time. And the video portion is on my YouTube channel here.

I absolutely love communicating my life’s treasures and adventures. I do it daily on my radio show and now the podcast allows me to expand my purpose-filled chatter to a wider audience while incorporating video.

My podcast is a relaxed version of myself, whereas I am able to laugh, talk, cry, explore, learn from guests and make “on-camera” mistakes while growing and evolving at the same time.

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My podcast is my new love! Join me!

There’s an unlimited array of positive topics to talk about and explore, my life and hobbies included. I joyfully get to share one of my many hobbies which is travel. Traveling is my on-going study of the world and its cultures. I love it! I get to share and show the “spoils” 🤩 of the amazing places I have visited. And share the love of the many people I have met and grown to love as family.

The podcast is just so many wonderful things! I also get to invite both potential clients and agents into my “life-changing” world of Life Insurance. I get to use my podcast platform to educate. I talk about and explain the benefits of what we offer in ways the consumer can understand. I also get to show potential “life producers” the power of earning $500 a day (or more)! WOW!

Click below to watch My podcast:

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