
AKA HotChocolate

My relationship with my Lord and Savior and being able to hear his voice are the most important things to me

- Life Insurance Agency Owner

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- A Dedicated wife

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- The CEO of HC Global

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- An Entrepreneur

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- A Greatness Coach

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- A Licensed & Ordained Woman of God

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- A Motivational Speaker

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- A Teacher & Prophet

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- An Only Child to an amazing single mom who is now in heaven

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- A Loyal friend

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- A Life Insurance Broker & Community Case Management Assessor & Coordinator

My true love

HotChocolate is married to the good guy with the deep voice (Don) , who is affectionately known on my radio show as “Mr HotChocolate”. He is my motivator, encourager, best friend and anchor. He is my FAVORITE guy in the entire world!

My Guardian Angel

To my surprise, my mom went to heaven August 2023 and she was affectionately known to my radio audience as ”Mama HotChocolate”. To me she was “Mom” and “Mama”! My mom was my rock and my angel. As an only child to an AMAZING single mom, she will forever be missed in my heart.

My Desire and Passion to Help Others

As a philanthropist, in 2019, I helped to fund a trip for 77 of my radio listeners to enjoy a Caribbean cruise. Many of them had never experienced a cruise or even a vacation. HotChocolate (out of my own pocket) funded airline tickets, extra amenities, parties and paid for one of our own local celebrities (Jawaskia Lake) to accompany us and give us a private LIVE concert aboard the ship. It was a fun experience and life-changing for many. My greatest desire is to bring God glory by using every God-given gift He’s given to me as an instrument of change on every platform, media outlet, pulpit & stage that God places at my feet.

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